Supporting Attachment at The Nurture Nursery

Attachment is important mainly in supporting children with their emotional and social development through forming a positive relationship with a key worker and supporting children in forming friendships. This can help children with their communication, relationships with others and in their overall emotional wellbeing.

Within the baby room there is a range of children from ages 3 months to 2 years old. The babies have 4 rooms which currently are set as a meal/messy room, a nap room/sensory room, and two free flow and open opportunity of play rooms. 

When initially visiting the nursery, the parents/guardians of the child can access a tour of the building which allows children and parents to meet staff and children, and feel the welcoming and comforting vibe we set out for everyone. 

We offer an initial settle which consists of the key worker meeting with the parent(s) and child to get to know each other, allow the child to become familiar with the setting and faces of staff, and allow time to build a positive relationship with each other. This time usually consists of an hour which gives time to provide a positive experience for the child within their routine. We complete an ‘all about me’ which helps staff understand the child’s daily routine at home, their likes and dislikes, times for naps and mealtimes so we can follow as closely as possible what they are used to. 

We further assess the ease of the settle and offer 1-4 hour settles where the parents can remain with us to support the child and further discuss what we need to that will help one another. The children have this time to build relationships with staff and children, and have happy and welcoming experiences at nursery. The aim is for the child to feel safe, secure and loved, and giving the opportunity to form a relationship with a consistent adult (key worker), as stated in the Relationships section of the Pre-Birth to Three Curriculum. 

Our key worker system is attachment led. This means that as a key worker, we provide all the needs for the child. This can be in areas where the child can feel secure and protected in nappy changing, changes, toileting, feeding and nap times/resting times. 

We as key workers aim to solely provide their opportunities in nursery and in being the key worker we can enjoy their experiences with them and build our relationships. The children can further feel safe and secure with their key worker in nursery, and therefore can be supported in their confidence to explore and feel content at all times whilst in the setting. 

With forming a positive relationship and building these important attachments with the staff to children and families, this supports in how they learn within nursery. If they feel they have positive attachments, the children are comfortable to learn, play and meet their full potential effectively. 
