Jessica Smillie – The Nurture Nursery

Since I was a little girl, I have enjoyed playing ‘schools’ in the garden, where I would make my gran act as the pupil, and I, the teacher. I have always wanted to work with, and alongside children. Fittingly, I am currently studying to become a primary school teacher at the University of Stirling. After working part-time in retail for the first part of my degree, I was then given the fantastic opportunity of becoming part of the ‘bank staff’ team for The Nurture Nursery, which I was delighted to join!

Being part of the bank staff team gives me great opportunities to work with children of all age groups. From working in the baby room one day, to working with the pre-school children the next, I have the chance to gain insight and take part in the fun daily activities that the nursery offers, as well as gaining valuable experience and learning new things every day!

Having only started working at The Nurture Nursery at the end of April, I have learned a great deal and gained experience which will impact and influence the way I plan to teach once I qualify. Additionally, I have met fantastic staff and fabulous children who continue to make me laugh every day.

One of the main things I have learned from my time so far at the nursery is how important a safe and happy environment is in relation to a child’s development. When I first began working at the nursery, I thought the use of outdoor space was fantastic and children, of all ages, are given great opportunities to learn outdoors. Additionally, the staff create a happy and friendly environment for the children to play and learn in. This has given me an understanding that a safe and friendly environment for children to learn in is key. This allows the children to feel comfortable and secure, and most importantly, happy! ‘Happy children learn best’! (Daniel Goleman).

I have also gained early experience of communicating with and building relationships with parents, which will be a crucial part of my role as a primary teacher. Just as the nursery ‘hand-over’ takes place at the end of the day, where staff give parents information on how their child’s day has gone, as a teacher, I will encounter parents’ nights and teacher-parent meetings! Being involved in a child’s ‘hand over’, has already helped me to gain confidence in building relationships with parents.

As The Nurture Nursery is based on a key worker system, and focuses on attachment led practice, it has allowed me to learn how important it is to build strong, trusting relationships with the children in our care. Due to COVID-19, my university second year placement was cancelled, however, working here has allowed me to gain alternative experience and has allowed me to build strong bonds with the children.

I absolutely love working as part of the bank staff team at The Nurture Nursery and hope to continue working here throughout the rest of my degree. Having learned so much and gained lots of experience in only the first few months, I am looking forward to learning much more, which will help me greatly with my future career!